
Dragon Age 2 Achievements

Master Craftsman (25G)
Crafted all of the items from a single crafting tree.

Mogul (25G)
Had 100 or more sovereigns in your purse.

Crowning Glory (25G)
Became the viscount of Kirkwall.

Dedicated (15G)
Reached Level 10.

A Friend in Need (5G)
Upgraded the armor of one of your party members.

Enchanter (5G)
Enchanted an item.

Immigrant (5G)
Became a resident of Kirkwall.

Delver of the Deep (10G)
Explored the Deep Roads.

Birthright (15G)
Kicked the slavers out of your ancestral mansion.

Specialized (25G)
Learned two class specializations.

I Got Your Back (25G)
Completely upgraded the armor of one of your party members.

Legendary (50G)
Reached Level 20.

Financier (10G)
Became a partner in a Deep Roads expedition.

Talented (5G)
Upgraded a spell or talent.

Tag Team (5G)
Used teamwork to perform a cross-class combo.

That Thing Has Legs (25G)
Found and killed a varterral.

Weapon Master (25G)
Mastered a weapon style.

Unstoppable (50G)
Completed a full year in Kirkwall without any party member being knocked unconscious.

Craftsman (5G)
Acquired your first crafting recipe.

Dragon Slayer (25G)
Found and killed a high dragon.

Exorcist (25G)
Found and killed the undying Xebenkeck.

Demon Slayer (25G)
Found and killed the ancient demon, Hybris.

Chantry Historian (25G)
Found all four chapters of "The History of the Chantry," by Brother Genitivi.

A Worthy Rival (25G)
Earned the Arishok's respect.

Great Minds Think Alike (50G)
Earned the friendship or rivalry of four party members.

Friend (25G)
Earned the friendship of one of your party members.

Rival (25G)
Earned the rivalry of one of your party members.

Romantic (25G)
Completed a romance with one of your party members.

Epic (50G)
Completed Dragon Age II twice, or completed it once with a save imported from Dragon Age Origins.

Champion of Kirkwall (20G)
Completed Dragon Age II.

Mercenary (10G)
Allied yourself with the mercenaries upon arriving in Kirkwall.

Nefarious (10G)
Allied yourself with the smugglers upon arriving in Kirkwall.

Flirtatious (5G)
Flirted with one of your party members to begin a romance.

Mass Exodus (25G)
Reached Kirkwall with each character class across multiple playthroughs.

Knowledgeable (25G)
Unlocked 100 codex entries.

Treasure Hunter (25G)
Opened 50 chests.

Darkness Falls (5G)
Toggled the map from day to night.

Explorer (5G)
Left Kirkwall to explore the outlying regions.

Spelunker (25G)
Visited 10 caves in Kirkwall and the surrounding area.

Full House (10G)
Recruited four party members.

Friends in High Places (15G)
Met Grand Cleric Elthina, Viscount Dumar, Knight-Commander Meredith, and First Enchanter Orsino.

Gift Giver (5G)
Gave a gift to one of your party members.

Supplier (25G)
Found every variety of crafting resources.

Archeologist (50G)
During each year in Kirkwall, discovered 3 secret messages from the Band of Three.

Tale Within a Tale (5G)
Listened to Varric begin his tale of the Champion of Kirkwall.

Dragon Age 2 wird voraussichtlich am 10.03.2011 für Microsoft Xbox 360 und Sony PlayStation 3 erscheinen. Mehr Informationen zum Titel findet ihr in unserer ausführlichen Vorschau.

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Achtung: Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass nicht alle Tipps von uns getestet werden können, bzw. diese sich von Version zu Version unterscheiden können, sind alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

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24.02.2011 : Lisa Riess