Shadowrun: Neuer Patch veröffentlicht

Für den Multiplayer-Shooter Shadowrun ist ein neuer Patch erschienen - zunächst gibt es diesen nur in den USA. Ob der Patch demnächst auch bei uns erscheinen wird, ist noch unklar. Hier alle Features, die durch den Patch verbessert und verändert werden:


- Dwarves can no longer be unawared with the katana or Artifact
- Elves’ regeneration ability has been tweaked
- Increased time before Elf begins to heal by a quarter second
- Increased essence cost of healing by ~15%


-Enemy footstep audio will now be easier to hear in Live games.


-Bot difficulty will scale with players’ average Trueskill in Public Match games.


Added “Advanced Settings” screen when setting up a Private Game, which contains the following options:

-Max players - Ability to determine the maximum number of players that can join the game

-Preferences - Ability to use the preferences of all players to determine the map rotation

- Handicapping - Ability to turn Karma on or off

- Fixed “stop” functionality for when a game-start countdown has begun in the lobby

- Improved messaging for when your party is split or rejoined due to team balance

- Improved messaging about Artifact clearing bodies in Attrition

- Improved server reliability


- Improved voting reliability.
- Improved network reliability.
- Improved error messaging.


- Local Match games can now be played without a profile.
- Fixed numerous crashes.
- Fixed numerous exploits and glitches.
- Improved Vista multi-monitor functionality.
20.08.2007 : Stefan Grund