Transparent Machines: Mehr Fragen als Antworten! Offizieller E3-Trailer zu Transparent Machines steht bereit

Bereits im April wurde durch die Entwickler von Freeman Apps das Spiel Transparent Machines enthüllt. Schon mit dem ersten Trailer wurde nichts zu dem eigentlichen Spiel enthüllt, bis auf die Tatsache, das es ein Stealth Action-Adventure Puzzle Cyberpunk Game werden soll mit einem durchaus realistischem Szenario. Auch mit dem offiziellen E3-Trailer in unserer Galerie entstehen mehr Fragen als Antworten zum eigentlichen Gameplay und dennoch scheint etwas spannendes zu entstehen. Die offizielle Beschreibung zu dem Setting findet ihr weiter unten. Erscheinen soll Transparent Machines im Winter 2016 für Xbox One und Windows 10, also noch genug Zeit um auch etwas zum Spiel zu verraten.

"The change of Mankind as robot tech replaces humans, the disruption of priacy and data of the new wave of cyberwarfare.Transparent Machines™ The 21st Century society is obsessed with the conflicting concepts of transparency and privacy take over our daily lives through the exploitation of controlled government by Artificial Intelligence Secret Government agencies behind closed doors, hidden beneath the Government. They can track and seek your data every move at anytime, anywhere, whenever you are. You are one of them, and 99% of the citizens in Utopia are infected by Artificial Intelligence Technology Secret Government propaganda and they turn against the silent minorities who speak out against them. You are an activist who is trying to save mankind and put privacy first which you are strongly against the government's propaganda of "making lives safer and easier". However you will learn that Government makes money off the data you release into the web cloud atmosphere around the central locked down cyber city in Utopia Futuroscope, where all minds and every piece of tech is tracked and controlled and run by one central network, Cambodia. You as an activist is “outraged” by the actions of the NSA, The Central Government Network yet continue to wilfully upload more and more of our personal information to Facebook and Google and other tech services. You as the activist explores the contradictory nature of our actions and beliefs regarding transparency making profits out of citizens data and corruption and bankrupting small business and eroding economy, letting 99.9% citizens turn poor. Your objective is to take down the dictator, Vincoeril'e Denorio, however things start to turn not what it seems."
17.06.2015 : Marc Schley