Xbox One: Xbox One Dashboard Updates gingen diese Woche an erste Preview Mitglieder raus & diese neuen Features sind dabei

So schnell kann es gehen. Erst konnten sich einige Dashboard Preview Mitglieder für die kommenden Xbox One Updates anmelden und wir haben euch erklärt, wie ihr eure Konsole für die Systemaktualisierungen vorbereitet.

>> Auch interessant: Anleitung: So kommt ihr an die kommenden Xbox One Dashboard Preview Updates <<

Kurz darauf vermeldet Major Nelson gemeinsam mit Mike Ybarra, dass bereits in der laufenden Woche Mitglieder Zugriff auf das erste von mehreren Preview-Updates erhalten. Wie bereits mit dem Dashboard-Update im November, werden weitere Aktualisierungen mit der Zeit folgen, bis ein vollständiges Update für den Sommer ausreichend getestet wurde. Danach werden die neuen Features für alle zugänglich sein.

Folgende Features wurden in dieser Woche für Preview Mitglieder auf Xbox One hinzugefügt:

Cortana on Xbox One: Cortana is coming to Preview in the U.S., U.K., France, Italy, Germany and Spain first, and gamers can expect the familiar Cortana experience found on other Windows 10 devices. Cortana voice commands on Xbox One will work with both headsets and Kinect. You’ll be able to use Cortana to find great new games, see what your friends are up to, start a party, accomplish common tasks, turn on your Xbox One if you’re using Kinect, and more. We’ll continue to build Cortana features over time and our vision is to use Cortana to help elevate your experience as your personal digital assistant for gaming. Just say “Hey Cortana” or launch the app to get started!

New Game Collection: We’re updating the Game Collection interface to make it faster and easier to find and launch the games you’re looking for. Now you’ll be able to see more of your Game Collection, quickly access your own ‘Ready to Install’ tab, and get more information about titles in your queue.

Facebook Friend Finder on Xbox One: Facebook Friend Finder is expanding from the Xbox app to Xbox One and is a great way to find and add your Facebook friends on Xbox. As more gamers link their Facebook and Xbox Live accounts, you’ll start seeing more suggestions for Facebook friends to add and game with on Xbox Live.

Improved sharing on Xbox One: We’ve made it easier to share your screenshots, GameDVR clips, and achievements on Xbox One. Gamers can now share their most epic clips and captures with the community in fewer steps.

Auch die Xbox App und Windows 10 Gaming erhalten Beta Updates mit diesen neuen Features:

Edit and share GameDVR clips on any video editor: Create that perfect gaming montage with your favorite video editor with clips you recorded on either Xbox One or your PC. Once you’re finished editing, you’ll be able to upload the clip back to Xbox Live through the Xbox app.

Updated GameDVR management: You can now manage your captures straight from your profile. This new destination allows you to share, start your own uploads, and see progress in the queue.

60 fps game clip recording with the Game bar: Using the new “Very High” video quality setting in the Xbox app, you will be able to record your game clips in up to 60 frames per second (in addition to 30 frames per second) easily, all from the Game bar (Windows + G).

Share to Twitter from Xbox app: In the Xbox app, you’ll be able to share game clips and screenshots from Xbox Live to Twitter through the sharing options on each capture.

Windows Game bar improved full-screen support:
One of the most common requests we see for the Windows 10 GameDVR feature is the ability to use the Windows Game bar with more games running in full-screen. We’ve added support for six additional games in full-screen mode with Windows game bar: League of Legends, World of Warcraft, DOTA 2, Battlefield 4, Counterstrike: Global Offensive, and Diablo III. With those games, you can now use Windows + G to bring up the Windows Game bar when the game is running full-screen.
11.06.2016 : Marc Schley