Star Wars: Battlefront 2: Infografik und Details zu kommenden Inhalten enthüllt

Die Verantwortlichen des Shooters Star Wars: Battlefront 2 haben nun eine interessante Infografik veröffentlicht. Zudem wurde bekannt gegeben, dass an einem überarbeiteten Fortschrittssystem gewerkelt wird.

Nähere Infos dazu werden uns allerdings erst im März erreichen. Ein neuer Spielmodus namens "Jetpack Cargo" wird im Februar 2018 Einzug halten.

- We're working on a revamped progression system. Your feedback has been essential here, and we are preparing significant changes to progression that will address many of the things we've seen players asking for. We'll be sharing more details about these changes in March.

- A game mode called Jetpack Cargo is coming in February. Two teams of eight players equipped with jet packs compete in Jetpack Cargo, a frantic, fast-paced way to play. This mode will only be available for a limited time, so don’t miss it.

- A new Season is coming soon. We’ve learned a lot from the first season of content for Star Wars Battlefront II, and we're integrating those insights into our plans moving forward. We know you’re waiting for details on what’s coming in the next season, and we’ll have more to tell you soon.
25.01.2018 : Thomas Brüser