Xbox One S: Dolby Atmos & Co: Wird die fehlende "verlustfreie Bitstream-Ausgabe" per Update für die Xbox One S nachgereicht?

Es hätte so schön sein können, wenn die neue Xbox One S nicht nur mit dem neuen Ultra HD Blu-ray Format zurecht kommen würde, sondern auch dazu in der Lage wäre, objekt­ba­sier­te Audio­for­mate wie Dolby Atmos und DTS:X verlustfrei wiedergeben zu können.

Vor allem richtige Heimkino-Fans hätten dann Konsole und Ultra HD Blu-ray Player in einem Gerät vereint gehabt. Doch leider kann die Xbox One S derzeit nicht mit den neuen Tonformaten umgehen.

Allerdings scheint dies nur eine Frage der Zeit zu sein, denn Microsofts Marketing Manager Albert Penello hat sich diesbezüglich erneut geäußert und Hoffnung gemacht, dass die Xbox One S die "verlustfreie Bitstream-Ausgabe" eventuell bald mit einem Update erhalten werde. Mehr dazu erfahrt ihr etwas weiter unten:

"HI Albert,

Thank you for chiming in on this thread to provide more information. I have a question regarding the interview you did with DF.

Actually a couple questions...

Can you provide more details about the bitstream support you mentioned? Will this mean direct bitstream, so Dolby-HD, DTS-HD, DTS-X and Dolby Atmos would be sent to the reciever to decode?

I also hope, that you mentioning this today, means it's a top feature request being worked on right now by the team.

Originally Posted by Albert Penello

If it wasn't something we were considering strongly, I would not have mentioned it. :)

It's really more a question of "when" then "if", but I've learned my lesson in trying to predict the future with certainty.

Mostly I wanted to address that it's a request that we have heard, and let people know there is no HW limitation. It's a software update and now it goes into the large bucket of feature requests that the team has to prioritize."

Aussagen gegenüber Digital Foundry:

"Digital Foundry: From a software perspective, can you outline what 4K and HDR media support we can expect from Xbox One S on day one and what else may be in the pipeline?

Albert Penello: Beyond what we announced at E3, there is nothing new I can talk about now. But you should expect to see a number of media apps and games announced shortly. In addition, I know some fans have asked for new audio functionality including bitstream support and we're evaluating that as a possible feature in a future update."
15.08.2016 : Thomas Brüser