NBA 2K16: Patchnote veröffentlicht: Neues Update zu NBA 2K16 steht bereit - Das bringt es mit sich

Baskeballfans aufgepasst: Die nächste Aktualisierung zu NBA 2K16 steht bereit und auch diesmal wurden zahlreiche Fhler innerhalb des Spiels behoben. Publisher 2K Sports hat nun die offizielle Patchnote veröffentlicht, diese Verbesserungen bringt das Update v5 mit sich:

• Fixed an issue where users were able to equip mascot costumes despite not having the appropriate rep level in MyPARK.
• Addressed a game disconnect that would sometimes occur during scrimmage games in MyCOURT when there are spectators.
• Fixed an issue that was causing unwanted ankle breaker reactions on defenders who were standing in good defensive position.
• Resolved a rare case where a Pro-Am Arena game would stall out on the loading screen.
• (PS4) Adjusted the ‘How Much Ya Got?’ requirements such that a maximum salary offer will unlock the Trophy (regardless of how many years the contract offer is for).
• Added ‘Player of the Week’ and ‘Player of the Month’ panels to the MyPARK leaderboards. Take a look!
26.01.2016 : Matthias Brems