Forza Motorsport 6: Was ist neu in Forza Motorsport 6? Turn 10 nennt Details zum Januar-Update

In der vergangenen Woche hielt neben dem Polo Red Car Pack auch eine neue Spiel-Aktualisierung Einzug in Forza Motorsport 6.

Während es im Dezember einige neue Funktionen zu verzeichnen gab, haben sich die Mannen von Turn 10 in den vergangenen Wochen um das Bugfixing gekümmert und einige Probleme und Fehler innerhalb des Spiels behoben. Hier die offizielle Patchnote:

Forza Motorsport 6 January Content Update Highlights

· Addressed an issue related to angular velocity under specific conditions. This subtle change will be most noticeable for drifters and tuners who prefer to use a wheel.

· Private matches will no longer be subject to AFK restrictions that cause players to be booted due to inactivity, as in public multiplayer matches.
· Fixed an issue in multiplayer where engaging UI (such as holding the right trigger in Leagues to bring up the leaderboard screen) during the final countdown of a hopper would cause all users to be disconnected from the session.

· Fixed an issue where saving long replays (>26 minutes) would result in a saved replay with cars appearing to sit idly on the grid.

· Fixed an issue where pressing the right paddle on certain wheels to shift up would cause the camera to look back.
11.01.2016 : Matthias Brems