Far Cry 4 : Patchday in Kyrat - Ubisoft liefert umfangreiches Update zu Far Cry 4 aus und gibt Vorschau auf Patch 2

Die Komplexität in Videospielen nimmt spürbar zu und somit tun sich immer mehr Falltüren für größere oder kleinere Fehler und Bugs auf, die dann letztendlich erst gefunden werden, wenn sich tausende Spieler mit dem jeweiligen Titel beschäftigen. Auch Far Cry 4 macht hier keine Ausnahme und das Team von Ubisoft arbeitet mit Hochdruck daran, alle Fehler zu beheben und den Käufern schnellstmöglich ein frustfreies Spielerlebnis zu bescheren.

Der Publisher hat vor wenigen Stunden einen Day One Patch zum neuen Shooter veröffentlicht, der erste Probleme behebt und die Spielmechanik verbessert. Hier eine Auflistung der kompletten Patchnote sowie eine Vorschau auf die zweite Aktualisierung

Day One Patch

1. Stability & performance
a. Fixed some random crashes on all game modes

2. AI
a. Fixed various edge case animation issues
b. Fixed various edge case detection issues
c. Fixed missing VO for edge case reaction issues

3. Matchmaking, connectivity & replication
a. Fixed matchmaking edge case issues
b. Fixed host migration random & edge case issues
c. Fixed join-in-progress edge case issues
d. Fixed various replication issues between host and clients
e. Fixed edge case replication issues with systems

4. Menus and HUD
a. Fixed various edge case menus and pop-up overlap issues
b. Fixed Mission objectives & updates issues
c. Fixed Coop specific pop-up updates issues
d. Fixed few localization issues (cut-off text, subtitles)
e. Fixed progression displaying 100% too early in progress tab
f. Polished tutorial images

5. Mission tweaks (campaign, coop & side content)
a. Fixed various low repro walkthrough breaks

6. World & 3D
a. Fixed various texture issues
b. Deleted some rare floating objects

7. Rendering & Graphics Features (PC Only)
a. Fixed rendering features not available under certain configuration
b. Fixed multi-monitor display issues
c. Fixed multiple visual artifacts; added SLI support

8. Inputs & Controls (PC Only)
a. Fixed mouse cursor and keyboard functionality

9. In-Game map editor
a. Fixed some graphical corruptions
b. Fixed some edge case issue with maps upload

Patch 2 Prewiew

Xbox 360

Fixed an issue where players were unable to complete the weapons collection even if they purchased every weapon (including main and side quests).

Fixed an issue that prevented players from accessing the Main Menu if they accepted a game invite from an inactive profile.

Xbox One

The correct error message is now displayed when the user tries to access the Options menu while paused when they are attempting to download a map while there is no connection to the Ubisoft servers.

The player will now return to the Main Menu if connection to Xbox Live is lost due to a disconnect during a host migration.

Users will no longer become stuck in an infinite loading loop if they attempt to change profiles while exiting a PvP session.


Players will now receive an error message if they are on a content restricted subaccount if they accepted a game invite while they were offline.

Players will no longer become stuck if they accept an invite while saving in the In-Game Editor.


NVIDIA HairWorks fully enabled for GeForce GTX gamers.

PVP + Co-Op

The game will no longer freeze if a player accepts a Co-Op invite while in the Uplay App after quickly selecting a storage device.

Players will no longer experience very low FPS if they join a friend in a PvP lobbly while in the Uplay browser.

The game will no longer remain on a black screen if they use the Fast Travel feature immediately after the Bell Tower unlock cinematic.

Resolved certain issues that prevented a player from returning to the Story Mode from the Co-Op tab.


Players will now be able to achieve 100% progression if they do not drive a snowmobile when the vehicle is available.

Players will now be able to reach 100% progression after the "Day 1" Patch is applied.


Corrected an issue where Trophies would not be rewarded for several weapons.

Main Menu

The player will now hear ambient sound if they return to the Main Menu from the Uplay App.

19.11.2014 : Matthias Brems