Assassin's Creed 3: Neuer Patch steht bereit: Diese Fehler werden ausgebessert

Wer den Action-Adventure Assassin’s Creed 3 heute bereits ins Laufwerk der Konsole gelegt hat, wird sich womöglich über eine neue Aktualisierung gewundert haben. Wie Publisher Ubisoft soeben im offiziellen Forum mitteilte, hat man einen neuen Patch zum Spiel veröffentlicht, der sowohl einige Verbesserungen am Spielgeschehen als auch Vorbereitungen für den kommenden DLC vornimmt. Hier ein die Patchnotes (Patch 1.03):

- Fixed a potential crash in mission “Bridewell Prison” when trying to skip cinematic with Mason.


- Fixed a bug preventing the creation of new Uplay accounts
- Removed the ability to hide pivots during pass-throughs and cinematics


- Added support for “Tyranny of King Washington: The Infamy”
- Fixed potential game data corruption when a DLC download ends while the player is in-game.

- In Wolfpack, a target doesn’t remain stuck on the ground if the player hosting the game leaves while another player is joining at the same time.
- In Wolfpack, some targets that were not visible to players under certain conditions can now be seen correctly.
- In Wolfpack, the radar is not broken under certain conditions anymore.
- In Artifact Assault, Team members can now correctly score when the initial artifact carrier gets killed under certain conditions.
- In Deathmatch, players no longer have lookalikes NPCs unless they use abilities that create lookalikes.
- In Deathmatch, the game no longer crashes in the New York brewery map for a player who used a Decoy while hiding in a group.
- Some players are no longer stuck in rematch after completing a Simple Deathmatch session on the Saint Pierre map.

- Some ladder issues when players left a session during the first minute have been corrected.
- Ladders now update properly upon a full group kick.

- The Independent’s hair when she wears the Wild Cat costume now displays correctly.
- The Strong Man’s white costume, alternative costume and warrior costume now display properly when hiding in a group.

- On Xbox 360, the Uplay icon and unlock conditions for unlockables redeemed via Uplay have been restored.
- Loyalty unlocks are now available on PC.

- Character customization is no longer reset under certain conditions.
- The Wipe ability now correctly works from a distance.
- The timer now properly starts and players can interact with each other prior to the host getting into the session.
- Sound will properly keep playing when trying to watch a video under certain conditions.
- An error message now displays when players attempt to watch DLC videos without having the DLC installed.
- Chasebreakers in the Animus Core map now correctly reopen for team mates.
Players are no longer stuck on leaving game session screen under certain circumstances.
- When you create a group in a private game, that group now stays the same through different sessions.

Assassin’s Creed 3 für Xbox 360 ist bereits erhältlich. Mehr Informationen dazu findest Du in unserer Übersicht direkt hier rechts neben dieser News.


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14.02.2013 : Richard Nold