Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition: Details zum Title Update 7 und frische Eindrücke vom "The Festive Skin Pack"-DLC

Bald ist es endlich soweit, die beliebte Klötzchensimulation Minecraft bekommt ihr nächstes Title Update für die Xbox 360 spendiert. Der Patch auf Version 1.0.1 soll dem Arcade-Spiel eine Vielzahl neuer Features und Gegenstände hinzufügen. So werdet ihr unter anderem in der Lage sein, Tiere miteinander zu paaren und Tränke zu brauen. Der Patch soll schon morgen, zusammen mit dem "The Festive Skin Pack"-DLC verfügbar sein. Das "The Festive Skin Pack" lässt Weihnachtsstimmung in eure Minecraft-Welt einkehren. Für 80 Microsoft Points bekommt ihr verschiedene Weihnachtselfen, einen guten und einen bösen Weihnachtsmann und vieles mehr.

Hier alle Patchnotes, sowie die Inhalte des DLC´s auf einen Blick:

Title Update 7:
Animal Breeding – feed two of the same animals a particular food and they’ll “kiss” and like magic a little baby animal will appear. Cute!
Brewing – You’ll be able to make Potions! Pull up a Brewing Stand and experiment.
Experience Points – Now you can collect Experience Orbs from mining, killing mobs, breeding and using Furnaces. Experience is used for Enchanting!
Enchanting– A new process which uses your Experience points to grant special abilities to armour, tools and weapons. You’ll need to craft yourself an Enchantment table to get started.
Mushroom Biome – A new type of land where the humble mushroom is king. New block Mycelium can be found here and Mooshrooms! Try growing yourself a giant mushroom.
Nether Fortresses – a structure that can appear in the Nether, bringing new blocks to the game too. Nether Fortresses are the Nether equivalent of Strongholds. Look out for the Blaze which can found in these new structures, they’ve got a habit of shooting out fire.
Skin animations – Some of your skins will have new animations (optional) to give them a bit more life and personality of their own. It’s something new and something that will be expanded upon as we do future updates, even older skins might get given their own animations as time goes on, so keep a look out for them in the future too. You may also notice that skins can have hats, and stuff…

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18.12.2012 : Theo Salzmann